
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

We are Healing Circle

A Young Adult Well-being Organization

We are dedicated to empowering the next generation of young adults through innovative approaches to mental health and wellness. Founded by two grad students in January 2023 at Texas A&M University, we provide a supportive community where young individuals and working professionals can openly share their experiences, engage in healing activities, and build resilience. No stuffy offices or boring lectures here – we’re creating art and playing with colors to feel grounded, nature adventures that refresh your soul, and chill mindfulness sessions that work to address mental health comprehensively.  Whether you’re stressed about college/work, dealing with tough times, or want to level up your mental game, we’ve got your back. We’re not merely talking about reshaping mental health in our day-to-day lifestyle; we’re actively pioneering a new era in emotional wellness by providing a safe and inclusive space to feel your true self without any judgments.

At Healing Circle, we’re committed to breaking down barriers, advocating strong and bold policy moves, fostering understanding in the communities, and creating a world where every young person feels truly seen, heard, and supported on their journey to emotional well-being.

Our Approach to Healing

We embrace the philosophy of “Healing”.

Our community provides a safe space for young individuals to embark on this introspective journey, offering support, tools, and guidance to help them understand themselves better, confront challenges, and foster personal growth. Healing is a profound journey that requires introspection and self-awareness. It involves courageously examining how our thoughts, actions, and choices contribute to our suffering. This process isn’t about self-blame but rather about understanding and taking responsibility for our part in creating or perpetuating pain.

We Empower Ourselves

To make conscious changes

Often, healing begins with acknowledging patterns or behaviors that no longer serve our well-being. It requires a willingness to confront difficult emotions and past experiences and understand how they influence our present state. By shining a light on these aspects of ourselves, we empower ourselves to make conscious changes and break free from cycles of suffering.

Kindness and Forgiveness

paving the way for deeper healing

Taking an honest look at our role in our suffering is a transformative act of self-compassion and growth. It allows us to reclaim agency and cultivate healthier habits and relationships. Through this process, we learn to nurture ourselves with kindness and forgiveness, paving the way for deeper healing and personal transformation.

What Sets Us Apart

Young Adult Well-being

Empowering the next generation with innovative approaches in the field of mental health and wellness.

Modern solutions for mental well-being

Providing contemporary modern solutions for mental health.

Holistic Wellness

Addressing mental health comprehensively from all aspects. Building connections and support for all.