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Healing in Action

MSC Student Conference on Latinx Affairs (SCOLA), Texas A&M University.

Our Founder & Healing Partner, Ms. Ramya Tulasi, had the honor of being invited as a Workshop Speaker and Panelist for the 36th MSC Student Conference on Latinx Affairs (SCOLA). She conducted a transformative workshop titled “Rising Phoenix: Reborn from the Ashes of Self-Doubt.”

As a certified Compassionate Training Educator, Ramya provided a safe and supportive environment for the vibrant Latinx community at Texas A&M University. The workshop focused on essential themes such as self-worth, imposter syndrome, self-compassion, and cultivating unshakable self-trust. Through guided journaling exercises, mindfulness practices, and open group sharing, Ramya led attendees on an enlightening journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Participants engaged deeply, confronting their inner critics and embracing their inherent value. The workshop allowed them to express vulnerabilities and draw strength from shared experiences. By the end of the session, attendees felt ready to rise from the ashes of self-doubt like resilient phoenixes, equipped with tools and insights to foster lasting self-belief and personal growth.

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